Risk Assessment for Free Church Meetings

Civic Society of St Ives Cambridgeshire – Risk Assessment (RA) for Free Church St Ives Meetings

The Society uses the Free Church for both Committee Meetings (CM) and Open Meetings (OM). Around ten committee members attend CM’s, often 60 – 100 members and a few members of the public attend our OM’s. This RA is written to cover both types of meetings.

Generally CM’s are held once a month on a Tuesday evening. The room used is on the ground floor, entry is via a side door from Free Church Passage, an alternative exit to the rear is available, the front doors may be locked. OM’s are held once a month on a Friday evening. The room used is on the first floor, entry is via the main staircase, an alternative staircase exiting to the side is available. A goods/passenger lift used by a few members.

New Committee members should receive a loan pack of our H&S documents and have the escape procedures and routes explained to them. Other method Statements should be introduced as appropriate. There should be annual refresher elements to remind the members of the various actions required.

As members of the public are invited to our OM’s a short description of the evacuation procedure must be included as part of the Chair’s welcome to the meeting.

The table of Risks, their effects and severity, the possible outcome of the risks’ effect, and the précis of the methods to be adopted to manage the risks form page 2 of the Free Church’s Risk Assessment. The Free Church regularly reviews its Risk Assessment which is located in its office where it can be viewed in the event of an enquiry. Any enquiry about the risk register can be made through the Church Office to the Convenor of Finance and Property.

Prepared on 28 June 2024

To be reviewed as circumstances change and not later than annually from the last review.