Slepe Hall Playing Field

Three Gifts to the Town from the Civic Society
On Tuesday 26th November at 11am, on the Slepe Hall playing field the Mayor, Cllr Pasco Hussain and many of the town councillors held a ceremony to accept three gifts from the Civic Society to the town: an ornate commemorative bench to mark the Coronation of King Charles and Queen Camilla; a new Heritage Information board positioned alongside giving the history of the playing field, and its gifting by the school to the town.
This board was funded by Peggy Seamark and a few of the ‘old girls’ from the Slepe Halll Girls School who were keen to mark that event.
The third item is a pair of sapling rowan trees which will, in time, provide some welcome shade for anyone seeking to rest there. Individually, they are welcome additions to the playing field, as a collection they are bring a nice touch to that end of town.
We were delighted that two pupils, Julia Papworth and Jo Stanley, were able to attend the event to represent the school and are pictured above with the Mayor.