Terms of Reference for FoRSIT

FoRSIT (Forum for the Regeneration of St Ives Town), is a collaboration with local residents, shop owners, the Town Council, the Town Team, Rotary Society, FEST, FLAG, the Norris Museum, Eco-Action and other local organisations.

Terms of Reference:


Forum for Regenerating St Ives Town  (FoRSIT)


That this Forum creates a dynamic regeneration plan for St Ives until 2034 which represents local interests and the aspirations of its residents, organisations and businesses, to accelerate its economy and make it a destination centre for residents and visitors alike.


To be the strategic planning hub for the town’s regeneration, drawing on responses from local communities to past and future neighbourhood planning consultations to protect the town’s heritage while developing viable proposals for its future development; working in partnership with local communities, organisations, businesses, statutory partners and funding bodies to raise the profile of St Ives as an attractive destination town and boost its economy.

It will meet in the Council Chambers rooms and is eligible to draw on the support of Council officers


The Forum will comprise two-tiers:

(1)   a central strategic planning group made up of the Civic Society, Town Council and other key organisations, supported by:

(2)   a network of local organisations, businesses, faith groups, community leaders and planning professionals.

Sub-groups may be created.

Founding members of the strategic planning group:

Civic Society Chair: currently Christine Phillpotts, Simon Ward (Planning), John Holmes (Planning)

Town Team: Chair, currently Sheila Stones, other members as appropriate.

Town Councillors Mike Gleadow, Julie Kerr;  Phil Pope;

District Cllrs Cath Gleadow;

Rotary Society: currently Moira Penney.

FEST, currently Gilly Jackson.
FLAG currently Mathew Setchell

Ben Obese-Jecty, conservative candidate for Huntingdon.

Norris Museum Director, currently Claire Hardy.

Eco-Action Chair, currently Helen Dye.

Local businesses: currently La Muse, Janet Church Interiors, VK Gallery.
Neighbourhood Plan Working Group: currently Peter Whatnell

Supported by:

HDC Economic Development Team: Nykki Rogers; Market Towns Programme Sam Caldbeck.

Facilitator Juliet Snell, Taproot .



Decisions will be taken in an open and transparent way, agreed by consensus with the Chair having a casting vote. The quorum will be four.


To raise the profile of FoRSIT across the town’s communities and external bodies as appropriate.

To engage with a diverse range of local organisations, bodies and resources to ensure broad representation of the community’s voice, and to gather and process input.

To review and collate residents’ responses to local/neighbourhood planning exercises and convert these into viable proposals for the town’s conservation and development.

To provide training and guidance in town planning to support good decision making.

To secure funding and resources as required.

To maintain footfall records and satisfaction surveys to measure the town’s vitality.

To appoint an administrator to minute meetings, follow up Forum decisions, to act as a conduit between the Forum and local businesses and communities.

FoRSIT (Forum for the Regeneration of St Ives Town), is a collaboration with local residents, shop owners, the Town Council, the Town Team, Rotary Society, FEST, FLAG, the Norris Museum, Eco-Action and other local organisations.